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Heritage Park School

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TEAM Education Trust

Careers Impact

How we measure and assess the impact of the careers programme:

At Willow Park School, we use the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks to plan, deliver and evaluate our programme of Careers. (For more information on the 8 Gatsby benchmarks you can find a description of each benchmark on page 4 of the CEIAG Policy.)

We work closely with the South Yorkshire careers hub who are link closely with the national careers strategy. The support we receive directly and positively impacts upon all of our pupils; providing opportunity, experience and education.

Termly returns are made using the Compass+ platform, which measures the success of the programme and is used nationally to compare against other settings.

We use the future skills questionnaire to inform us of pupil voice and to highlight potential areas of transition in order that we can provide meaningful encounter.

We hold the Bronze award in partnership with the skills builder programme. This initiative has been valuable to all school pupils and aims to bridge the skills gaps in 8 key areas. 

The careers programme is reviewed regularly by the careers lead and SLT. The quality of the delivery and planning is subject to quality assurance by SLT.

Willow Park is committed to supporting pupils. We track destination data up to 3 years from the date that they leave school as year 11 pupils. Ongoing support is in place with our ultimate aim of zero NEET (Not in Education Employment or Training) pupils.