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Heritage Park School

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TEAM Education Trust

Forest School

Forest School is an environment that enables children to learn, grow and thrive in a safe space that provides an opportunity for children to explore their own identities, skill set and develop physically, emotionally and intellectually. This allows children to use their integrity and intuition in pupil led experiences building on their confidence and self-esteem.

Forest School gives children the opportunity to develop a relationship with nature. Children can experience and discover new environments and elements that otherwise they may not know to exist. Learning is developed, building on a multiple intelligence where children are able to recognise their growth within themselves and their environment.

Forest School builds on a sense of belonging and community. Projects run for a sustained period of time allowing the individuals to explore different elements throughout the seasons and build relationships with their peers. This helps to empower the children through both their learning and emotional development.

Please take time to read our Forest School Handbook for much more information about Forest School at Heritage Park.

Download a copy of the Forest School Handbook here.

hp forest school handbook.pdf

Here are some photo's taken during Forest School, July 2023.