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Heritage Park School

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TEAM Education Trust

Opportunities to Lead

At Willow Park we promote student independence and leadership through various planned and unplanned experiences. These opportunities can be seen through students preparing nurture breakfast, encouraged independent travel for identified pupils, resource monitor / class helper, preparing own equipment for outdoor education sessions and calendared events e.g. Santa’s Grotto, Christmas Lunch and Comic Relief.

Peer Mentoring

DJ Leadership

Independent Travel

Classroom Based Jobs

Charity Days

Christmas Lunch Jobs

Student Council

Forest School Roles

Independence on Residential

Mentoring Programme

Students are identified in KS4 who are socially and emotionally ready to access mentoring in KS2 and Physical Education lessons. This is planned into individual student timetables and supported by staff and parents. Staff coach students in the skills and attributes required to be an effective mentor, this is monitored by the staff who are working with the students and progress is reviewed regularly.

Student Council

The student council at Willow Park School aims to develop aspects of the school based on suggestions and ideas from planned meetings. The council plan to meet on a fortnightly basis to discuss various topics and project work which improve aspects of the school environment, culture and student experiences. Council members are selected based on a voluntary show of interest and then staff support the selection based on interested students being able to fulfil the councillor requirements. School senior leaders attend meetings once every half-term to support with dialog, identify projects and rational responses.

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